Creating NEBourhoods Together

    Latest Events

    NEBourhoods Pavilion at the Wohnring

    Meeting place in the "Wohnring" for everyone who is and wants to be an active part in the neighbourhood.

    NEBourhoods Pavillon Neuperlach

    Mobile workshop in Neuperlach
    Basics of 3D printing

    Saturday, 6 and 20 July 2024, 12:30–3:30 pm
    Theodor-Heuss-Platz in the "Wohnring"

    Der Mobile MakerSpace in Neuperlach im Wohnring

    Innovation competition award ceremony 2024

    Tuesday, 23 July 2024, 6 pm,
    Munich Urban Colab, Auditorium, Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5

    Innovationswettbewerb NEBourhoods

    Certificate for our "Co-creators for urban development"

    Available from the TransitionHub team

    NEBourhoods Zertifikat Mitgestalter Stadtgestaltung

    We are looking for gardeners!

    Rooftop and natural garden in the heart of Neuperlach near the Wohnring

    NEBourhoods gemeinsam gaertnern

    Testbed Gewerbegebiet Perlach Süd: Potential for Neuperlach's companies through networking with start-ups

    Q&A online session
    Every Monday, 1–2 p.m.

    NEBourhoods Testfeld Gewerbegebiet Perlach Süd

    Monday meet-up

    Every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 10am – 5 pm, Start: 10 June 2024
    in the NEBourhoods Pavilion/Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Wohnring

    NEBourhoods Montagstreff Neuperlach

    First energy community in Neuperlach

    All interested Neuperlach residents and local initiatives can become part of the first energy community in Neuperlach.

    Mitmach-Aufruf zur ersten Energiegemeinschaft in Neuperlach

    MakerSpace scholarships:
    Free membership for one year in our main workshops.

    Application possible at any time

    NEBourhoods MakerSpace Stipendien

    Community Art project in Neuperlach's public space

    since 29 June
    Christus Kirche, Lätare Kirche, footbridges at Quiddestraße and Fritz-Schäffer-Straße, former Festspielhaus at Quiddestraße 17

    Previous Events

    Digital tools for urban development

    Friday, 19 July 2024, 10 am - 7 pm,

    NEBourhoods digitale tools

    Information event "Thinking energy locally"

    Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 5–7:30 pm,
    THW Munich East local organisation, Perlach/Bayerwaldstraße industrial estate, Unterbiberger Straße 5, 81737 Munich

    NEBourhoods Energiegemeinschaft

    Conference "digital health & care 2024"

    Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
    Munich Urban Colab, Auditorium, Freddie-Mercury-Straße 5, 80797 Munich

    Konferenz „digital health & care 2024"

    A mobile kitchen for Neuperlach to borrow!

    Friday, July 5, 2024, 1.45-3 pm, forecourt of Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 2a (rear exit PEP)

    Kochen auf mobiler Küche im Freien

    Opening of the NEBourhoods Nest Stool for people, animals and plants

    Friday, 5 July 2024, 12-2 pm,
    Square in front of Charles-de-Gaulle-Straße 2a (exit at the back of PEP)

    NEBourhoods Nisthocker, Animal Aided Design

    Neighbourhood meeting place "RESI"

    Friday, 28 June 2024, 5 pm,
    Start at Preetoriusweg/Therese-Giehse-Allee, Neuperlach

    NEBourhood Hubs Mobilität Treffpunkte

    Opening CHILLspORT
    for the Mittelschule am Gerhart-Hauptmann-Ring

    Friday 28 June 2024, 3:30 pm
    Campus Mittelschule Gerhart-Hauptmann-Ring 15, 81737 München

    NEBourhoods CHILLspORT

    General rehearsal of the performance
    "Mood swings" for the CHILLspORT

    Thursday, 27 June 2024, 2:30 pm
    Campus Mittelschule Gerhart-Hauptmann-Ring 15, 81737 München

    NEBourhoods CHILLspORT

    It PEARLs!
    Interdisciplinary exchange about theatre and the city

    Wednesday, 26 June 2024, 6:30–10 pm
    HM University of Applied Sciences, Aula Campus Karlstraße,
    Karlstraße 6, 80333 München

    NEBourhoods PEARL Theater Stadt Neuperlach

    EU for YOU(th)
    Europe festival in the Wohnring

    Friday, June 7, 2024, 5-10 p.m.
    Theodor-Heuss-Platz, Neuperlach Wohnring

    EU for YOU(th) Visual

    Exhibition: How Healthy Products Build Healthy Cities

    Friday, 17 May 2024, 5–8 pm
    Architekturgalerie München,
    Blumenstraße 22, 80331 Munich

    gesunde materialien NEBourhoods Architekturgalerie

    Workshop: Common spaces for people animals nature

    Thursday, 16 May 2024, 1–6 pm
    in the NEBourhoods Pavilion /Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Wohnring

    NEBourhoods gemeinsame Räume für alle

    Innovation competition 2024 of the city of Munich

    The application deadline for the 2024 innovation competition is 15.5.2024 at 23:59.

    Innovationswettbewerb München NEBourhoods

    Edible greenery planting during the Neuperlach Health Day

    Friday, 26 April 2024, 14–18 pm
    NEBourhoods Pavilion/Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Wohnring


    "The Festival" of the New European Bauhaus with satellite events throughout Europe

    9–13 April 2024: Festival und Fair in Brussels
    14–18 April 2024: Satellite events in Venice and Munich

    NEBourhoods NEB The Festival

    Visit Creating NEBourhoods at the NEB Festival fair

    April 9, 2024: 4:30 p.m.-9 p.m.
    April 10-13, 2024: 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
    Museum of Art and History/Parc du Cinquantenaire, Booth no. 20


    Ask your questions about the NEB Lighthouse projects in our Q&A workshop at the NEB FESTIVAL

    April 12, 2024
    Arts & History Museum

    Messe Workshop NEB Leuchtturmprojekte

    Experience Pepe Arts live in Brussels at the NEB Festival

    April 11, 2024
    4:55 pm and 7:35 pm
    Park Stage/Circus

    Bild Ankündigung Orbital Objects

    Testing the NEBourhoods Gardening Units

    Friday, 5 April 2024, 10–12 am
    NEBourhoods Pavilion/Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Wohnring

    Gärtnern Neuperlach NEBourhoods

    Invitation to the "Innovation Forum – Networking Neuperlach's Companies & Start-ups"

    Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 5:00 pm
    shaere/"Wohnzimmer", Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9, Neuperlach

    Unternehmen Start-Up Innovationsforum Netzwerk

    Networking: Healthy and climate-friendly nutrition in schools and institutions the easy way

    Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 2–4 pm
    "Mittelschule am Strehleranger", Strehleranger 10, Neuperlach

    NEBourhoods gesunde Schulspeisung

    Information session on private car sharing in Neuperlach

    Tuesday, 19 March 2024, 5–7 pm
    NEBourhoods Pavilion/Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1, Wohnring

    Carsharing Neuperlach NEBourhoods

    Annual exhibition 2024: Future-proof neighbourhoods – Next door, in the centre, at home

    19 January until 6 March 2024
    Daily from 1 to 7 pm, free admission
    Rathausgalerie, Marienplatz 8 in the city centre of Munich

    NEBourhoods Stadt müchen Jahresausstellung

    City walk: Developments around the center of Neuperlach

    Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 4:30–7:00 p.m.
    Neuperlach (further information upon registration)

    Neuperlach Zentrum

    Neuperlach today: A new look at the district.
    Discussion as part of the exhibition "Future-proof neighbourhoods"

    Tuesday, 6 February 2024, 6–8 pm
    Rathausgalerie, Marienplatz 8, 80331 München

    NEBourhoods Jahresausstellung Rathausgalerie

    "Meeting point mobility"
    Final presentation of the semester project

    Tuesday, 6 February 2024, 9:45 am – 1 pm
    Technical University Munich, Entrance Arcisstraße 21, Room 4170 a/b

    Mobilität NEBourhood Hubs

    The future-proof city
    Event as part of the exhibition " Future-proof neighbourhoods: Next door, in the middle, at home"

    Thursday, 1 February 2024, 6–8 pm
    Rathausgalerie, Marienplatz 8, 80331 München

    LHM Jahresausstellung Abendprogramm

    Invitation to the information event of the Neuperlach Energy Community

    Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 5 pm
    NEBourhoods Pavillon at the ZAK playground / Wohnring

    Energiegemeinschaft Neuperlach NEBourhoods

    Invitation to the opening ceremony
    NEBourhoods Pavilion

    Wednesday, 10 January 2024, 5-8 pm
    in the NEBourhoods Pavilion at the ZAK playground / Wohnring

    Creating NEBourhoods Together Pavillon Neuperlach

    NEBourhoods Pavilion

    Drop by the new NEBourhoods Pavilion,
    15 December 2023, 3–5 pm
    Theodor-Heuss-Platz/Wohnring, Neuperlach

    NEBourhoods Pavillon Wohnring Neuperlach

    Invitation "Growing a Tasty Neuperlach"

    11 December 2023, 5-8 p.m.
    Quiddestr. 4, 81735 Munich

    Planzaktion Laetare Kirche

    Making Neuperlach fit for the future together

    Lectures and discussion
    Tuesday, 5 December 2023 at 6 pm
    PlanTreff Munich, Blumenstraße 31 80331 Munich

    Kino auf der Quiddebrücke

    Join in: Gardening together in Neuperlach 2024

    Friday, 17 November 2023, 2–6 pm
    Gemeindesaal der Lätarekirche, Quiddestraße 15, Neuperlach

    NEBourhoods gemeinsam pflanzen


    Deutscher Werkbund Bayern - Monday Round Table
    Monday, 13.11.2023, 8.00 pm
    Orangery of the Café Reitschule, Königinstr. 34

    Neuperlach in den 70er Jahren

    Mobile Workshop in Neuperlach
    Basics of laser cutting

    Saturday, 14 and 28 Oktober 2023, 2–6 pm
    Theodor-Heuss-Platz, Neuperlach

    MakerSpace Neuperlach NEBourhoods

    Creative minds, new paths: Innovation in dialogue between the business parks

    Wednesday, 25 October 2023, 5.30–7.30 pm
    Munich Urban Colab, Munich

    NEBourhoods Gewerbegebietsmanagement LHM Vision

    Wie heiß wird es und wenn ja, wie oft?

    Dienstag, 24. Oktober, 19 – 20.30 Uhr
    Quidde35 - Raum für Stadtsanierung

    Hitzekarte Neuperlach

    Nistkästen für den öffentlichen Raum

    Freitag, 20. Oktober und
    Samstag 21. Oktober
    je 14 – 18 Uhr
    MakerSpace am Theodor-Heuss-Platz

    Bauworkshop Neuperlach

    First Round Table of the Energy Community Neuperlach

    Tuesday, 17 October 2023, 5 pm
    Quidde35, Quiddestraße 35, Neuperlach

    Einladung zum ersten Treffen der Neuperlacher Energiegemeinschaft

    Wie können wir Sonnenenergie wirtschaftlich nutzen?

    Dienstag, 17. Oktober, 19 – 20.30 Uhr
    Quidde35 - Raum für Stadtsanierung

    Energiegemeinschaft Dach

    Designing the NEBourhood Hubs

    14 and 15 October 2023, 3–6 pm
    Kreativwerkstatt Neuperlach at shaere

    Mobility NEBourhoods

    Award ceremony of our photo competition

    Saturday, 14 October 2023, 2 pm
    shaere, Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9 in Neuperlach

    14. Oktober Preisverleihung Fotowettbewerb

    Take a photo of the most important place on your daily route and take part in our photo competition!

    Photo competition until 10 October 2023

    Fotowettbewerb NEBourhoods

    Fruit and vegetables for the balconies!
    Workshop on planting and greening balconies
    Ramersdorf-Perlach district week

    Saturday, 7 October 2023, 2–4 pm
    At shaere, Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9, Neuperlach

    NEBourhooods Begrünungsworkshop

    Mobile workshop in Neuperlach
    Basics of 3D printing

    Saturday, 16 and 30 September 2023, 2–6 pm
    Theodor-Heuss-Platz in the "Wohnring"

    Der Mobile MakerSpace in Neuperlach im Wohnring

    Urban Drift Workshop
    Join us on a discovery tour – in search of the best places for mobility and neighbourship in Neuperlach

    Workshop on Sunday, 24 September 2023, 11–2:30 pm
    Meeting point at Quidde35, Quiddestraße 35, Neuperlach

    NEBourhoods Urban Drift – Visual für Entdeckungstour in Neuperlach

    Photography workshop:
    Exploring Neuperlach – with photographer Sandra Singh

    Saturday, 23 September, 2:30-4:30 pm
    MVHS in Ramersdorf, Claudius-Keller-Straße 7

    Fotoworkshop in Neuperlach

    Ciné Vélo Cité – Mobile Bicycle Cinema and Film Lab:
    Short films on “Neuperlach 2030”

    Wednesday, 20 September, 7 pm
    Perlacher Herz, Marieluise-Fleißer-Bogen 7, Neuperlach

    Mobiles Fahrradkino in Neuperlach NEBourhoods

    Ciné Veló Cité - Mobile Bicycle Cinema Film Lab:
    Short films on "Society & Community"

    Sunday, 17 September, 8 pm
    Ostpark Neuperlach, near Theatron

    Mobiles Fahrradkino im Ostpark

    Ciné Veló Cité – Mobile Bicycle Cinema and Film Lab:
    Short films on "Climate & Mobility"

    Friday, 8 September 2023, 8 pm
    at ZAK in the "Wohnring", Neuperlach

    Ciné Vélo Cité im Wohnring Neuperlach

    Workshop: Let’s build a herb garden for our neighbourhood!

    Wednesday, 30 August 2023, 2-7 pm
    Lätare Church, Quiddestr. 35, 81735 Munich


    Do-it-yourself instead of workshop:
    Bicycle repair workshop

    19 August 2023, 2 –4:30 pm
    MakerSpace / Theodor-Heuss-Platz

    Creating NEBourhoods Together - Fahrrad-Workshop am MakerSpace mit ADFC

    Neuperlach's Hottest Places All Cool – Shading architectures

    Wednesday, 19 July 2023, 1 pm
    Meeting point: Centre of Hanns-Seidel-Platz, Neuperlach

    Verschattungsarchitektur aus Seilen und Planen

    Creating NEBourhoods Together
    Programme for the
    Ramersdorf Perlach District Week

    29 June – 5 July 2023

    Visual mit dem Titel Stadtteilwoche in Neuperlach

    Creating NEBourhoods Together
    Ramersdorf Perlach District Week

    29 June - 5 July 2023
    Ostpark, Neuperlach


    Ciné Veló Cité
    Mobile Bicycle Cinema and Film Lab

    Saturday, 15 July 2023, 9 pm
    Stemplingeranger 30 (near Perlacher Herz)

    Foto des Kinoaufbaus

    Ciné Veló Cité x Shadow Transitions
    Mobile Bicycle Cinema and Film Lab under Sun Sail Construction

    Thursday, 6 July 2023, 8 pm
    St. Jakobusbrücke at the Quidde35

    Ciné Veló Cité auf der Brücke

    Energy communities: Generating and using solar power together in the neighbourhood

    Wednesday, 5 July 2023
    9 am
    Online event

    Illustration zu Energiegemeinschaften

    Neuperlach for the Animals
    A Participatory Species Walk through Neuperlach
    & Future Forum Animal-Friendly City

    Tuesday, 4 July 2023
    4–6 pm: Participatory Species Walk
    6–7 pm: Future Forum

    Image für Ankündigung

    Neighbourhood Dinner
    Dinner together in the "Wohnring"
    Ramersdorf Perlach District Week

    Monday, 3 July 2023, 6 pm
    Meadow in front of ZAK/Wohnring
    In case of rain: Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 6 pm

    Dinner auf der Wiese

    Cooking workshop:
    Growing a Tasty Neuperlach
    Ramersdorf Perlach District Week

    Monday, 3 July 2023
    3–6 pm
    Meadow in front of ZAK/Wohnring

    Frau und Kinder kochen zusammen

    Ciné Vélo Cité
    Mobile Bicycle Cinema and Film Lab
    Ramersdorf Perlach District Week

    Saturday, 1 July 2023, 9 pm (Premiere)
    Theodor-Heuss-Platz, at ZAK/Wohnring
    – Screening on 30.6.2023 cancelled due to weather –

    mobiles Fahrradkino-Filmlabor

    Fruit and vegetables for the balconies!
    Workshop on planting and greening balconies
    Ramersdorf-Perlach district week

    Thursday, 29 June 2023
    5–8:30 pm
    At ZAK/Wohnring, Theodor-Heuss-Platz


    FeedBack Neuperlach
    Audio Drama Audio Walk
    Ramersdorf Perlach District Week

    Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 6 pm
    Thursday, 29 June 2023, 6 pm
    Meeting point in front of shaere

    Illustration Feedback Neuperlach

    Invitation to the workshop
    “How can we shape Neuperlach together?”

    Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 4-5 pm
    online via Zoom:
    Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 5–6 pm
    shaere, Neuperlach


    Neuperlach for the Animals
    A Participatory Species Walk
    through Neuperlach

    Friday, 12 May 2023
    4–6:30 pm
    Shaere, Community Kitchen München
    Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9, Neuperlach

    Grafik Artenparcours

    EuropaRad 2023
    Gondola ride on the Ferris wheel
    Creating NEBourhoods Together

    Sunday, 7 May 2023
    3 - 7 pm
    Werksviertel Mitte

    EuropaRad Grafik

    BAU 2023
    New European Bauhaus in Munich

    17 April 2023
    4.30 p.m.
    Munich Trade Fair Centre
    Hall B0, Innovation Hub


    Photo session for the JR project
    Creating NEBourhoods Together

    12 March 2023
    from 4.30 p.m.
    Lätare Church


    Kick-off event
    Creating NEBourhoods Together
    in Neuperlach

    16 February 2023
    Community Kitchen Living Room, Neuperlach
    Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 9, 81737 Munich

    NEBourhoods präsentiert sich den Bürger:innen von Neuperlach