Creating NEBourhoods Together

“Making the city sustainable, affordable and attractive for all has long been at the core of what we do. The New European Bauhaus places particular emphasis on the role of culture and creativity and on directly tangible benefits for people.” Elisabeth Merk, Chief Planner of the City of Munich


The target of Creating NEBourhoods Together is to design a future-proof, socially just and environmentally friendly district to live and work in. Together with citizens, creative people and experts, we develop ideas in and for the Munich district of Neuperlach.
We found start-ups and implement projects that improve the quality of life, make everyday living easier and contribute to climate protection. Our focus is just as much on public spaces, attractive living, energy communities and local mobility as on youth culture, nutrition, biodiversity and a circular economy. Creating NEBourhoods Together establishes a model for other European cities: beautiful, sustainable and inclusive!

Neuperlach Luftbild
Neuperlach Luftbild


With its ca. 65,000 inhabitants, the Munich district of Neuperlach represents the largest German urban expansion area of the post-war era. Today, the district is faced with significant social, urban development and construction-related challenges. With numerous residential and office buildings from the 1960s - 1980s in need of renovation, neglected open spaces and a high unemployment rate compared with the city as a whole, Neuperlach is typical of many European cities. The district’s strengths include the social connection of its multi-cultural residents to their district, extensive green spaces and a distinct road network for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as vacant office structures from which something new can be created. Neuperlach therefore presents the ideal starting point for a revitalisation in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus.


Co-Creation – Starting the Green Transition

We bring together motivated and committed people from Neuperlach, drawing on art and culture, city administration and science and business sectors, and form co-creative teams.

NEBourhoods Neuperlach Transition Hub Living Lab
NEBourhoods CHILLspORT Neuperlach Living Lab
NEBourhoods Living Labs Moblity Hubs
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite Living Labs Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Living Labs
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Living Lab Shadow
NEBourhoods JR Insideout Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Transition Hub Living Lab
NEBourhoods CHILLspORT Neuperlach Living Lab
NEBourhoods Living Labs Moblity Hubs
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite Living Labs Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Living Labs
NEBourhoods Neuperlach Living Lab Shadow
NEBourhoods JR Insideout Neuperlach

In an open innovation process, our teams link the topics of the NEB Actions with the requirements on site. The goal is the joint development of functioning prototypes that are ready for implementation. As new opportunities and visible structural changes, these prototypes demonstrate how environmentally friendly and sustainable living and business practices are possible in the district. The cooperative approach also gives rise to new start-up ideas. All participants learn from and with one another how urban development can be shaped as an innovative process using the full breadth of urban society.


Entrepreneurship – Empowering the Green Deal

With our activities and programmes, we promote entrepreneurial thinking and action in the Neuperlach district. We are raising awareness among residents, creating test opportunities for start-ups and working with students to develop innovative business models for local challenges.

UTUM NEBourhoods Neuperlach
NEBourhoods MakerSpace Neuperlach
MakerSpace NEBourhoods Neuperlach
MakerSpace NEBourhoods Neuperlach
MakerSpace NEBourhoods Neuperlach
Pavillon NEBourhoods Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Pavillon Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Pavillon Neuperlach
UTUM NEBourhoods Neuperlach
UTUM NEBourhoods Neuperlach
NEBourhoods MakerSpace Neuperlach
MakerSpace NEBourhoods Neuperlach
MakerSpace NEBourhoods Neuperlach
MakerSpace NEBourhoods Neuperlach
Pavillon NEBourhoods Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Pavillon Neuperlach
NEBourhoods Pavillon Neuperlach
UTUM NEBourhoods Neuperlach

The spectrum of opportunities to get to grips with entrepreneurial thinking and action ranges from offering space to the community and familiarising them with modern craft techniques for the first time, with invitations to use large high-tech workshops, to finding concrete solutions and networking start-ups with established companies in Neuperlach.


MakerSpace Workshops

In our mobile MakerSpace workshop in Neuperlach, interested people can get to know a selection of the latest technologies such as 3D printers and laser cutters. Our employees provide on-site support and advice on initial ideas. The two large MakerSpace workshops on over 1,000 square metres offer a more extensive range of high-tech equipment. All interested people are invited to apply for free memberships, the "MakerSpace scholarships".

WHERE: Theodor-Heuss-Platz, Neuperlach
WHEN: Every second Saturday, 12.30-3.30 pm (until October)
see also MakerSpace in July
It is possible for groups to make an individual booking.
CONTACT: Christina Wiessner at / 089 541 9870 060


MakerSpace Scholarships

We are offering 50 "MakerSpace Neuperlach" scholarships for the two large MakerSpace workshops to anyone who wants to help shape their neighbourhood.

• 1 year of free access to the MakerSpace workshops with the latest generation of high-tech equipment
• 2 free machine training courses (e.g. 3D printer, laser cutter, wood, metal, textile processing)
• Access to an innovative community of makers

• People aged 16 and over who live, go to school or work in Neuperlach/Waldperlach/Perlach and want to get involved in their neighbourhood.

Applications are possible at any time. Further information here.


NEBourhoods Pavilion

Our NEBourhoods Pavilion in the centre of Neuperlach serves as a meeting place, event venue and gallery for anyone who would like to actively participate in the development of their neighbourhood as part of the NEBourhoods project.
The pavilion is open regularly; information sessions, events and workshops are organised where everyone can get involved. Groups, clubs and organisations from Neuperlach, Waldperlach or Perlach are therefore welcome to use the NEBourhoods Pavilion free of charge for their meetings, events and much more!

WHERE: ZAK playground, on the lawn in the Wohnring
WHEN: Changing programme, information see Events
CONTACT: Julia-Sophie Jahn at


Testbed Gewerbegebiet Perlach Süd

In a constantly changing (business) world, synergies and cooperation play a major role, especially in driving innovation and opening up new horizons. As part of the "Testbed Gewerbegebiet Perlach Süd", we therefore network interested start-ups with companies in Neuperlach and city departments. In this way, we promote the development of innovative and sustainable solutions for local challenges.

• Q&A online session, every Monday 1–4 pm, link to dial-in
• Testbed Brochure for download
CONTACT: Ann-Christin Sreball and Susanna Walter,

Hacking Neuperlach

With our "Hacking Neuperlach" formats, we encourage students from all disciplines to develop solutions for current challenges in Neuperlach in a programme lasting several months.

UnternehmerTUM TechChallenge
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship Real Projects

In addition, UnternehmerTUM's XPLORE programme supports prospective founders with NEBourhoods-specific topics in the further development of their ideas and accompanies them on their way to founding a company.


NEB Actions

Our NEB Actions focus on the design and use of public spaces, circularity in existing buildings, the retrofitting of residential buildings, youth culture and places for local mobility. They test innovations in renewable energy, thermal health, more biodiversity and healthy food.

Creating NEBourhoods Together will realise ten NEB Actions for a future-proof city by 2025.


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