“Making the city sustainable, affordable and attractive for all has long been at the core of what we do. The New European Bauhaus places particular emphasis on the role of culture and creativity and on directly tangible benefits for people.” Elisabeth Merk, Chief Planner of the City of Munich
The target of Creating NEBourhoods Together is to design a future-ready, socially just and environmentally friendly district to live and work in. Together with citizens, creative people and experts, we develop ideas in and for the Munich district of Neuperlach.
We found start-ups and implement projects that improve the quality of life, make everyday living easier and contribute to climate protection. Our focus is just as much on public spaces, attractive living, energy communities and local mobility as on youth culture, nutrition, biodiversity and a circular economy. Creating NEBourhoods Together establishes a model for other European cities that is beautiful, sustainable and inclusive!

With its ca. 65,000 inhabitants, the Munich district of Neuperlach represents the largest German urban expansion area of the post-war era. Today, the district is faced with significant social, urban development and construction-related challenges. With numerous residential and office buildings from the 1960s - 1980s in need of renovation, neglected open spaces and a high unemployment rate compared with the city as a whole, Neuperlach is typical of many European cities. The district’s strengths include the social connection of its multi-cultural residents to their district, extensive green spaces and a separate road network for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as vacant office structures from which something new can be created. Neuperlach therefore presents the ideal starting point for a revitalisation in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus.
Co-Creation – Starting the Green Transition
We bring together motivated and engaged people from Neuperlach, drawing on art and culture, city administration and academic and business sectors to form co-creative teams.

In an iterative co-creative process, we connect the questions and solution approaches of the individual NEBourhoods initiatives with the needs and potentials on site. Co-creative means working together with the goal of achieving tangible improvements for Neuperlach in line with the New European Bauhaus (NEB). Therefore, we bring together everyone needed in the process. Every voice is heard, and the solution approaches of the NEBourhoods initiatives are further developed collectively to make Neuperlach more sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive.
Living Labs
This process takes place in living labs, where since spring 2023, functional and ready-to-implement prototypes have been developed collaboratively. These prototypes represent visible changes in public spaces, showcasing new ways to enable environmentally friendly and sustainable living and economic practices in the neighborhood.
The collaboration in these living labs also generates ideas for founding businesses. All participants learn from and with one another how urban development can be shaped by the broader urban society.
This is how NEBourhoods emerge: diverse starting points for transitioning to the climate-neutral district of tomorrow.
Stakeholders from Neuperlach
Transforming an urban neighbourhood without involving those who live and work there is unthinkable. It is the everyday knowledge of local people that forms an essential support for sustainable urban redevelopment. They know the places where they spend time, where they shop and where they relax. They know what changes are needed. But they can also sense if they are involved in developments and whether their needs are being taken into account – or whether others are making decisions about their living space.
One of the principles of NEBourhoods is therefore not only to involve actors from civil society in the project work, but also to allow them to participate in its decision-making and design. The co-creative approach of NEBourhoods is intended to connect people from Neuperlach with scientists and their innovative ideas in living labs so they can create prototypes for desired changes together. This process also includes the search for the locations where the prototypes will be implemented, the preparation of permits and planning for perpetuation.
Locals learn how changes are possible; they experience self-efficacy and expand their networks. This causes existing neighbourhoods and communities to become stronger and new ones to form. In this way, we join together with the residents of Neuperlach to show how transformation can be initiated and accelerated.
NEBourhoods pool of creative individuals
Art and culture do not only address important social and civic issues of our time, but also allow us to connect with people. This is because artists and creative individuals challenge us through their work to raise our awareness and participate in discussion. They are particularly good at empathising with various different groups of people.
But they are not only indispensable as agents of empowerment. Artists and creative professionals are also the driving force in addressing complex challenges and establishing cross-sectional innovative processes. Willing to take risks and endure uncertainty, they explore the unknown in a playful way and with visionary ingenuity.
NEBourhoods therefore offers artists and creative individuals the opportunity to collaborate on the project at standardised and reasonable daily rates. As catalysts for the co-creative processes at the living labs, they design workshops and tools for the development of prototypes.
Find out more about the creative professionals for NEBourhoods here.
Entrepreneurship – Empowering the Green Deal
With our activities and programmes, we promote entrepreneurial thinking and action in the Neuperlach district. We are raising awareness among residents, creating test opportunities for start-ups and working with students to develop innovative business models to address local challenges.

The spectrum of opportunities for people to become familiar with entrepreneurial thinking and action ranges from offering them spaces for community use, introducing them to modern trade skills, including inviting them to use large high-tech workshops, to finding concrete solutions and networking start-ups with established businesses in Neuperlach.
MakerSpace Workshops
In our mobile MakerSpace workshop in Neuperlach, interested people can get to know a selection of the latest technologies such as 3D printers and laser cutters. Our employees provide on-site support and advice for initial concepts. The two large MakerSpace workshops of over 1,000 square metres offer a more extensive range of high-tech equipment. All interested people are invited to apply for free memberships, the "MakerSpace scholarships".
WHERE: Theodor-Heuss-Platz, Neuperlach
WHEN: Every other Saturday, 12.30-3.30 pm (until October)
see also MakerSpace in July
Groups may make a separate booking.
CONTACT: Christina Wiessner at MakerSpace@NEBourhoods.de / 089 541 9870 060
MakerSpace Grants
We are offering 50 "MakerSpace Neuperlach" grants for the two large MakerSpace workshops to anyone who wants to help shape their neighbourhood.
• 1 year of free access to the MakerSpace workshops with the latest generation of high-tech equipment
• 2 free machine training courses (e.g. 3D printer, laser cutter, wood, metal, textile processing)
• Access to an innovative community of makers
• People aged 16 and over who live, go to school or work in Neuperlach/Waldperlach/Perlach and want to get involved in their district.
Applications can be submitted at any time. Further information can be found here.
NEBourhoods Pavilion
Our NEBourhoods Pavilion in the centre of Neuperlach serves as a meeting place, event venue and gallery for anyone who would like to actively participate in the development of their district as part of the NEBourhoods project.
The pavilion is open regularly. All can join us there for information sessions, events and workshops. Clubs, organisations and groups from Neuperlach, Waldperlach or Perlach are welcome to use the NEBourhoods Pavilion free of charge for their meetings, events and much more!
WHERE: At the ZAK playground on the lawn in the Wohnring
WHEN: Varying programme, see Events for information
CONTACT: Julia-Sophie Jahn at pavillon@NEBourhoods.de
Perlach Süd Commercial District Testbed
In a constantly changing (business) world, synergies and cooperation play a major role, especially in driving innovation and opening up new horizons. Therefore, as part of the "Perlach Süd Commercial District Testbed", we network interested start-ups with Neuperlach businesses and city departments. In this way, we promote the development of innovative and sustainable solutions to local challenges.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Test bed brochure for download
CONTACT: Ann-Christin Sreball and Susanna Walter, testfeld@NEBourhoods.de
Hacking Neuperlach
With our "Hacking Neuperlach" formats, we support students from all disciplines in a several-months-long programme to develop solutions for current challenges in Neuperlach.
UnternehmerTUM Innovation Sprint
UnternehmerTUM Business Design Deep Dive
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship Real Projects
In addition, UnternehmerTUM's XPLORE programme supports aspiring founders with NEBourhoods-specific concepts in the further development of their ideas and accompanies them on their way to founding a start-up.
NEB Actions
Our NEB Actions concern themselves with the design and use of public spaces, circularity in existing buildings, the retrofitting of residential buildings, youth culture and places for local mobility. They test innovations in renewable energy, thermal health, more biodiversity and healthy food.
"Creating NEBourhoods Together" will implement ten NEB Actions for a future-ready city by 2025.

