Creating NEBourhoods Together


Founding of Energiegemeinschaften München eG

Energiegemeinschaft Neuperlach Energy community

July 2024. Soon, Munich Neuperlach will be producing its own electricity for the first time! After a long time working together, we finally made it: In early July, we founded the "Energiegemeinschaften München" cooperative as part of our NEB Action "Energy Communities".

The cooperative currently comprises the Energiegemeinschaft München Neuperlach (EGM eG Neuperlach) and the Academic Energy Cooperative (EGM eG Academic).

The open name "Energiegemeinschaften München" will allow other initiatives and neighbourhoods to join and make use of the infrastructure we developed. This saves money, bundles resources and makes replication and cooperation easier.

Our aim is to promote the transformation of the local energy industry towards ecologically sustainable energy production, supply and usage as well as utilising its economic benefits.

Driven by our responsibility to actively combat climate change by replacing fossil fuels, we focus on transparency, justice and social inclusion. Our community should not exclude anyone due to financial or social circumstances and should offer all members access to resources and benefits.

By integrating the Academic Energy Cooperative of the Technical University of Munich and collaborating with educational and research institutions, we translate scientific knowledge into practical and educational energy applications. This innovative approach helps us to develop scalable solutions for a sustainable future.

The installation of the first photovoltaic system on the Perlacher Herz in Neuperlach is just the beginning. This plant serves as a prototype and is a significant step in our endeavour to combine ecological and social goals with professional business management.

The documents are now ready for examination by the auditing association and we are acting as a pre-cooperative – ready to turn our visions into reality.

All interested Neuperlach residents and local initiatives can still become part of the first Neuperlach Energy Community.
Participation is possible in various different ways; more information is available
on the website of the Neuperlach Energy Community.

You can download the registration form here.
Get involved!

Serena Keller,
Technical University of Munich/Chair of Building Technology and
Climate Responsive Design
on behalf of Energiegemeinschaften München eG

Picture Credits: NEBourhoods/TUM

NEBourhoods Energiegemeinschaft Neuperlach Potenzial