Creating NEBourhoods Together


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Creating NEBourhoods Together: Designing beautiful, environmentally friendly and future-proof neighbourhoods together

Creating NEBourhoods Together is based on the three principles of the New European Bauhaus: aesthetics, sustainability and inclusion. Together with citizens, creatives and experts, we develop ideas and realise projects in which the European Green Deal is implemented and brought to light.

NEBourhoods Pavillon
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite
NEBourhoods AAD-Ideenworkshop
NEBourhoods MakerSpace
NEBourhoods Neuperlach New European Bauhaus Next generation Europe
NEBourhoods CHILLspORT
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite
NEBourhoods MakerSpace
NEBourhoods Neuperlach New European Bauhaus Next generation Europe
NEBourhoods Hexagon Gartenmodule
NEBourhoods Mobile Kueche
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite
NEBourhoods Testfeld Gewerbegebiet Perlach Sued
NEBourhoods Mobile Kuche
NEBourhoods Pavillon
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite
NEBourhoods AAD-Ideenworkshop
NEBourhoods MakerSpace
NEBourhoods Neuperlach New European Bauhaus Next generation Europe
NEBourhoods CHILLspORT
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite
NEBourhoods MakerSpace
NEBourhoods Neuperlach New European Bauhaus Next generation Europe
NEBourhoods Hexagon Gartenmodule
NEBourhoods Mobile Kueche
NEBourhoods Cine Velo Cite
NEBourhoods Testfeld Gewerbegebiet Perlach Sued
NEBourhoods Mobile Kuche

"The New European Bauhaus aims at creating a new lifestyle that matches sustainability with good design, that needs less carbon and that is inclusive and affordable for all. Let us make it the beating heart of a more inclusive, sustainable and beautiful Europe.” Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission

Lastest News

"Library of Things": Lending station at the "RESI" NEBourhood Hub

At the NEBourhoods "RESI" Hub, you can borrow various items free of charge. A list of the current...

NEBourhoods Hub RESI Ausleihstation

NEBourhoods Pavilion: Meeting place in the "Wohnring" for all who are or want to be active for the neighbourhood

The NEBourhoods Pavilion is a meeting place for all those who participate actively in the develop...

NEBourhoods Pavillon Neuperlach


Find out more about our activities as one of the six Lighthouse Demonstrators for the New European Bauhaus, about the outcomes of the living labs and join us on our journey towards a climate and socially just neighbourhood.

Digital Participation in Urban Mobility Planning

October 2024. A recent paper by researchers Matti Drechsel, Nick Förster, Gerhard Schubert and Fr...

Digital Participation in Urban Mobility Planning NEBourhoods

New places to discover: NEBourhoods prototypes in the latest edition of the Neuperlach district newspaper

September 2024. Twice a year, the Neuperlach Stadtteilzeitung (district newspaper) informs the re...

Stadtteilzeitung Neuperlach MGS Stadtteilmanagement NEBourhoods

"Wohnen Weiterbauen" – A cinematic insight into spatial possibilities

September 2024. How can we make residential buildings in Neuperlach fit for the future through a ...

NEBourhoods Wohnen weiterbauen

“We are moving into a new era”: Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, visits Neuperlach

September 2024. “We had this big idea for a New European Bauhaus – but the idea only works if it ...

Ursula von der Leyen Neuperlach NEBourhoods New European Bauhaus

Reconnecting with Nature: How the New European Bauhaus is implementing solutions for nature- and climate-adapted spaces

September 2024. “Yes, there are problems. But we also have solutions!” With this, Andrea Gebhard ...

NEBourhoods Deep Dive DLD Nature Reconnecting with Nature New European Bauhaus

Entrepreneurship and urban development: a shared path toward a sustainable city

The "Hacking Neuperlach" programme as part of "Creating NEBourhoods Together" generates innovativ...

Social Entrepreneurship NEBourhoods Hacking Neuperlach

Shady spots for Neuperlach

August 2024. Take a break in the shade on hot days and charge your mobile phone at the same time:...

NEBourhoods Schattenarchitektur Neuperlach Aufbau

11 success stories from the "Perlach Süd Commercial District Testbed": An interim report

August 2024. Showing established companies the potential of cooperating with emerging start-ups, ...

NEBourhoods Testfeld Zwischenbericht Start-up UnternemerTUM

Award ceremony for the 2024 innovation competition

July 2024. Smart City approaches in the Neuperlach test bed: This year's Innovation Awards of the...

NEBourhoods Stadt München Innovationswettbewerb

Founding of Energiegemeinschaften München eG

July 2024. Soon, Munich Neuperlach will be producing its own electricity for the first time! Afte...

Energiegemeinschaft Neuperlach Energy community

"NEBourhoods Nesting Stool": Promoting Urban Biodiversity and Nature in the City

July 2024. What cohabitation spaces for humans and animals could be created if wild animals were ...

NEBourhoods Nisthocker Biodiversitaet Cohabitation Neuperlach

Meeting Spot on the Meadow: NEBourhoods Outdoor Kitchen

The team around the "Growing a Tasty Neuperlach" NEB Action is working together with Neuperlach r...

NEBourhoods Mobile Kueche Neuperlach

From Schoolyard to CHILLSPOrT: Young People Design Their Living Space

June 2024. Developed and built together with the pupils, the "CHILLSPOrT" on the forecourt of the...

NEBourhoods Jugendkultur Neuperlach

Mobility NEBourhoods: Participatory Development of "NEBourhood Hubs" as Multifunctional Mobility Centres

June 2024. Innovative forms of mobility and their sustainable implementation are essential for re...

NEBourhood Hubs Mobilitaet

Apply for our MakerSpace grants: Free membership for one year in our main workshops

Do you need new jerseys for your sports club? Do you want to make a trophy for the next competiti...

MakerSpace Stipendium Neuperlach NEBourhoods

Creating a Movement Together: THE FESTIVAL of the New European Bauhaus in Brussels

April 2024. Synergies, collaboration, networking, interdisciplinary dialogues, mutual learning, r...

NEBourhoods New European Bauhaus Festival Brussels

Perlach Süd Commercial District Testbed: Networking local companies with start-ups to develop sustainable solutions

March 2024. Methods for upcycling hop waste into building materials, microbiogas plants that conv...

Innovationsforum NEBourhoods Start Up Testfeld Neuperlach Gewerbegebiet

Digital tools for participatory urban development

February 2024. What data from the city's Digital Twin can be used for participation toolkits? How...

NEBourhoods Mobility Digitale Tools TUM

CrAFting Tomorrow's Cities!

February 2024. Fostering interdisciplinary co-creation in living labs was the topic of the panel ...

CrAFt Meeting Amsterdam NEB Alliance Manifesto NEBourhoods NEB Lighthouse Demonstrators

Inauguration of the NEBourhoods Pavilion

January 2024: UnternehmerTUM in Neuperlach: In early January, we celebrated the official opening ...

NEBourhoods Pavillon Opening

"A new understanding of the city": Neuperlach press tour with Elisabeth Merk, Chief Planner of the City of Munich

December 2023. The week was dominated by our new "NEBourhoods Pavilion", which is currently being...

NEBourhoods Neuperlach Elisabeth Merk


Creating NEBourhoods Together provides various options for getting actively involved. Please contact us by email at or by phone at 0049 152 56808634.

Creating NEBourhoods Together works within Neuperlach Action Area 6 (Handlungsraum 6 Neuperlach), which covers around 1,100 hectares and also includes neighbouring city districts. Handlungsräume are priority areas for Munich's urban development. In the north and centre of Neuperlach, around 200 hectares have been designated as urban redevelopment areas. Concepts for action areas and urban redevelopment were drawn up with public participation. Creating NEBourhoods Together deepens and complements the previously planned measures.

Creating NEBourhoods Together is one of six lighthouse projects in Europe selected and funded by the European Commission. Together with these partner projects, we are creating a movement for sustainable, inclusive and beautiful cities across Europe, implementing the goals of the European Green Deal. Please visit also the websites of our european partners:

DESIRE: Designing the Irresistible Circular Society
NEB-STAR: New European Bauhaus STAvangeR
BOSS: Bauhaus of the Seas Sails



Duration: 1.10.2022 - 31.3.2025
Programme: Horizon Europe
Funded by the European Union: € 5 million
Co-funded by the City of Munich: € 0.6 million
Project No: 101080052

Our NEB Actions engage in public spaces, attractive living, energy communities and local mobility as on youth culture, nutrition, biodiversity and a circular economy.

Find out more about our events in Neuperlach and take part!

We understand co-creative processes, entrepreneurial thinking and action in living labs and testbeds as the driving forces of sustainable urban development for Neuperlach.


